About Heather Leah
Heather Leah is a wanderlust-filled traveler, raised in New England, who planted roots in Washington, DC in 2013. She loves to watch her breath move in and out of her body and she loves how her muscles feels when she stretches them. She loves to play with words and paint and friends and trees. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron is her Bible. The question, "so, what do you do?" gives her constant pause. Her aim every day is to practice gratitude that she is awake, alive, and able to keep expanding. This website is an attempt to catalog her many projects and musings.

Community Organizer
In 2014 Heather hosted the first WithLoveDC pop up community yoga class in Dupont Circle, followed by a meditation flash mob. Following this she organized over a hundred free and donation based yoga classes and workshops around the DC area with the expressed mission of spreading love, joy, and acceptance.
In 2015 she hosted Peace Love Yoga Fest, DC's first yoga, meditation, music and art festival. She hosted this festival for three years and loved bring yogis and art lovers together from across the District for a day of fun
flows, music, and local artists.
In 2016 Heather organized the first Women of the Wild gathering which had three goals: create a space for women to connect with...
1. nature
2. their most authentic inner selves
3. a community of inspiring and supportive women
Each year this gathering has grown in its mission to be a space for all women to gather in the woods for three days each fall to gather, grow, learn, and heal.
Heather is also a poet who enjoys regularly sharing her pieces at Busboys and Poets and yoga classes around the District. Her first set of self-published poems titled Stardust Queens was released in 2017.

Heather likes to play with paint and words and trees.
You can purchase some of her older, color, acrylic pieces on RedBubble.
You can follow her on IG to see her most recent water colors and daily meditations @heatherleahloves.
Artist's Way facilitator
Heather has lead guided twelve week workshop series based on Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way between one and three times per year since 2014. Learn more about the Create With Love Artist's Way Workshop Series and join Heather on that path to your own creative recovery.
children's book author
In 2019 Heather published her first children's book titled Let's Make Yoga Magic. This interactive rhyming book features thirteen beautifully illustrated children moving through yoga poses and that will delight yogis of all ages.
Contact Heather if you are interested in collaborating on a project, hosting a poetry event or participating in an Artist's Way Workshop.
A believer in Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way, Heather firmly believes that our life is our art.
"Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy."
"There is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life--including ourselves."
"We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves."
"The refusal to be creative is self-will and is counter to our true nature."

Tiny Home Dweller
Heather saw her first tiny house around 2010 while in college and fell in love with the idea of living tiny. Excited to design her own dream house and committing herself to a life without the clutter of things, she worked with local builder, BuildTiny, to make her vision a reality.
Heather has been living in her tiny home, named Desiderata, since November 2017. Floor plans for her tiny home can be purchased at www.TinyHousePlans.com for those looking to build their own dream home.
Mini photojournalism documentary by Mary Junell featuring Heather, her builder, Robin, and two of her tiny house dwelling friends, entitled "Living Tiny: a Movement of Opportunity."
Follow Heather's tiny house journy on Instagram @desiderata_tinyhome.

Kid's Yoga guide
Kids can do yoga?
Yes! Heather believes that yoga is all about moving the body, breathing deeply, using mindful listening, and practicing kindness, compassion, and empathy. As a former preschool teacher, Heather thinks yoga in schools is crucial as children grow into kind, compassionate, and empathetic adults. She also believes having yoga creates a more positive classroom environment for both students and teachers and fosters engaging and calming routines to help children throughout the day regulate their emotions and relate to one another.
children's book author
In 2019 Heather published her first children's book titled Let's Make Yoga Magic. This interactive book features thirteen beautifully illustrated children moving through yoga poses and rhyming descriptions that will delight yogis of all ages.
Contact Heather if you are interested in developing a yoga curriculum for your school or hosting a yoga birthday party for your child.

Reiki, Yoga, and Meditation
Heather has been practicing yoga and meditation since 2011 and completed her 200 hour ​yoga teaching training in 2014 in Rishikesh, India. She has completed two ten-day Vipassana meditation courses. Heather loves guiding others and sharing what she knows about these incredibly healing practices.
Heather has completed her Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 trainings
and is currently offering distance reiki sessions via Zoom.
Contact Heather if you are interested in setting up a
reiki session, private yoga class or guided meditation.